Jun 25, 2020

Culture Specific Items Translating Strategies

Cultural translation surely becomes big task for every translator. Translating simply is just delivering text from one to another language. Is that simple? Of course it is not. Although there is kind of idealism that translating should keep the translation in target language as close as possible to the source language, sometimes people have to do more if they want to deliver the message from the source language. Maybe people do not have to do cultural translation all the time because there can be culture specific items which can be found in the text. When they find the culture specific items with the conversation function, they can use some strategies for translating them.

Culture Specific Items Translating Strategies


There can be a time when people find repetition in the original text. Just because it is repeated in the original text, it will be translated in the same way in the target language. However, there is risk that this strategy can lead a rise in the cultural specific item exotic character. It can cause the target language readership alienation of the source reference. In fact, collective reception of something identical can be completely different. This is something which people have to pay attention in cultural translation matter.

Orthographic Adaptation

The next strategy is orthographic adaptation. Transcription as well as transliteration will be involved in this strategy. This strategy can be applied to translate the cultural specific items but it must be in specific circumstance. Different strategy can work well in different circumstance after ll. If the languages have the alphabetical system which is almost similar such as the Latin languages, this strategy can work greatly.

Linguistic Translation

Last but not least, instead of using the cultural translation, people just use the no cultural one or linguistic translation. In this circumstance, the translator chooses to be close to the original reference denotatively. However, it will come up with the item from target language that can be recognized as the belongings to the source text cultural system. Translators can draw on the linguistic transparency. He can also capitalize on the translation which is pre established within the target language inter textual corpus. This strategy can be solution for the problem which can be found from the previous strategies after all. This way, the foreign people can still receive the culture but it is still comprehensive because it is analogous or homogenous to the original one. Translators should be wise for choosing strategies in cultural translation.

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