Linguistic Problems
Linguistic becomes the Problems in Translating Poetry that mostly happen to the many translators. The reason is that most of the authentic language has different perception with another language that the translator is going to translate. This case is called as collocation that refers to the word or even word groups’ combination. In addition, linguistic problems are the most issues that occur among the translators especially when they are translating the poetry. Hence, it becomes a great job to do for the translators, who are planning to translate the poetry to know this kind of problems and how to deal with it. For examples, you can find the accurate structure from the poetry, and then you have to get the specific verb. These things will help you in knowing the meaning of the poetry without doing any translations’ mistakes.
Literary or Aesthetic Problems
The second one is to comprehend the truth of the literary or even aesthetic that conveyed by the poetry. This is also known as the popular Problems in Translating Poetry. In keeping away from this problem, you have to know how to retain the literary or even the aesthetic values and messages from the text. Besides, you also have to know some metaphors that is mostly used in the poetry. By knowing some types of the metaphor, you will know and get the exact messages that the poetry is going to tell you. In addition, metaphor is related to the visual images that you can read based on the combination of words. It also included some words that combined with sound, smell, taste, and even touch. Hence, in this section you also have to know some information related to the literary or aesthetic problems; such as, poetic structure, sound, and metaphorical expressions.
Last but not the least, by gaining some information and knowledge about Problems in Translating Poetry, you will get lots of beneficial in translating the poetry. One of them is to keep away the mistakes or problem that may happen to you while translating. Happy trying!
Read also: 3 Most common Language Translation Problems
Problems in Translating Poetry
Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin