Jul 23, 2020

The importance of Translation

Every country has their own languages, not to mention the local language of its regions. There are thousands of language is the world, but we have English as the international language right? So why don’t we all just speak English and there is no need to translate? Well, you miss some things there buddy. Here we are going to discuss about the importance of translation.

Why do translation is important? Okay we have English as the international language, but what about other countries that don’t speak English for the first language? English is the most common speaking language, but not all people can speak one. For instance, a 2012 survey showed that only a quarter of Europeans had the ability to understand English good enough to follow English-language news program. And this is Europe we are talking about. Can you believe it?

Translation is also important because most people would rather choose their native language. The fact is that, English is a global spoken language only if those second-language speakers are counted. Almost in all situations, people react better to the language they grew up speaking. Studies also showed that people prefer to choose products or contents of movies in their first language.

Coming to the business world, nowadays the demands for translations services are more and more increasing. While English has periodically get “the language of global business” crown, translation services still remain as a vital part in doing business all around the world. In other word, translation connects global economy. Translation services can be found in many forms such as the living translator himself, or maybe the online translator in websites.

English is in the top of the languages in the world right now, but it doesn’t mean that it will never change. Other languages are developing and starting to be nominated to be the world’s first language. For instance, most of the language used in websites, airports and other public places used to be in English, but now this is not always be the case. People now are starting to learn other top languages to fluent their language ability in the future.

The importance of translation comes out due to the fact that it is one of the fields being very much useful in various aspects of human life. Beside, most people would not want to stay in one region for the rest of their life. And in any other activities of they life, they would want and need to learn different language.

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