Feb 5, 2017

3 Most common Language Translation Problems

During translation process, writer might also get stuck due to some language translation problems. Language translation is not only about translating, but more into that, the writers are also challenged to deliver their ideas to the readers through their writings. Thus, as a good writer, beside he or she has to understand the whole context as well as situation of a book/journal that is going to be translated. In other words, translating is also considered as an art. To create a wonderful writing, a writer might also experience some language translation problems as below.  However, there are also some ways that writers can do to overcome those problems.

3 Most common Language Translation Problems

a. Clear understanding towards the whole context

The very first thing that writer must have before they start translating is the ability to have a clear understanding towards the whole context of a journal or book. Because, translating language may also means switching one culture to another culture. Thus, a writer should have really learn the whole background or the primary source of a language. Furthermore, the write is also expected to be really careful on how to make the readers get similar as well as clear message of the language or the culture itself.

b. Clear understanding towards the targeted language translation.

There are times when writers have clearly understood the origin language, but they lack of clear understanding the targeted language. As a result, even though the writers does not have major problems in the origin language, when they translate it into targeted language, the translation may be incorrect. This is due to the lack of understanding the targeted language which is inline with the era, history, or social condition. There may also some consideration where understanding targeted language plays higher crucial role, than the importance of understanding the origin language itself.

c. Different skills in translating between nonfiction and fiction creation.

There has been widely spread believe that translating nonfiction such as academic journal, needs higher translation skills, rather than fiction ones. it is because in translation nonfiction writing, the writers are not allowed to give additional phrase. They are expected to produce the similar meaning to the original work.

All in all, to create a wonderful translating work, the writers, then, should really pay attention to the whole context of a language. However, one of the most important things to overcome language translation problem is they should really pay attention both on targeted or the origin language.

Read Also: Difficult Problems In Translation of Language and How To Fix It

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3 Most common Language Translation Problems
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