Jan 7, 2021

Methods for Translating Poems

Translating poems for many people becomes something very difficult to do. In fact, it is already difficult for understanding the meaning of the poetry. The difficulty must be multiplied when people try to translate it to different language. The meaning must be delivered to the target language audience. At the same time, the poem should still have the beauty just like in the original language. It is not easy task at all but still there are some people try their best to work on poem translation. There are some methods which can be used when people try to translate poetry after all.

Methods for Translating Poems

Phonemic Translation

The first method which can be used is phonemic translation. This method tries to recreate the source language sound in the target language. Of course it is not only about recreating the sounds because the translators also have to make sure that the meaning can be transferred to the target language. The result can be awkward in general. At the same time, it can also leave behind some original meaning parts.

Literal Translation

The next method in translating poems is literal translation. It means that people will translate the poetry word to word. The original meaning of the poetry cannot be transferred to the translation result if people use this method actually. The structures of phrase and sentence will fall by wayside in the target language.

Metrical Translation

The original meter reproduction will be emphasized into the target language by using this translating method for poetry. One thing, people can find specific pronunciation and stressing system in different language. That is why, the result of this translation will be inappropriate in structure and meaning terms.

Verse to Prose Translation

There is weakness which can be found in this poetry translation method. People must admit that the result of this translation will lose the beauty of the original text. Poem is not only about the meaning but also about beauty.

Rhymed Translation

Original poem rhyme will be transferred using this method into the target language translation. The good thing is that this method will offer physically appropriate translation but the translation is inappropriate semantically.

Free Verse Translation

This method will give the accurate translation in target language with sound literary result value. However, there are ignored meter and rhyme. The result is same semantically but physically different from the source.


This method comes with two types, imitation and version. Both have completely different circumstance of poetry translation, but both are important in translating poems.

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Methods for Translating Poems
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