Jan 12, 2017

Cultural Issues in Translation

Almost many translators face cultural issues in translation. It is almost impossible for them to avoid this kind of issue. Before you find out what are the common culture issues which are encountered by many translators, let’s take a look the definition of cultural translation first.

Cultural Issues in Translation

Cultural translation

When you heard cultural translation, it is strongly related to any range of disciplines. It is a common term that used in various kinds of disciplines both inside and out of the study of translation in several different ways. There are many theories and approaches that sound promising as valuable intuitiveness for the transfer of cultural practice. But the thing is, the exact usage of the term cultural translation still seems unclear and controversial. This term is also not clear yet of how the concept can give effect or impact on several basic assumptions in the translation studies. Cultural translation also brings many cultural issues in translation for translators due to different style of living, mind set and other factors.

Read Also : A Pragmatic Approach to Translating

Major cultural issues found in translation process

1. Allusions

There are many examples of allusions in literature. The first example refers to Adam and Eve who lived in Eden. This story doesn’t need any comments to Western reader even though it’s a biblical story. The second example of allusion is taken from Islamic history. This example is probably a vague for the Western readers. It refers to one of Prophet Muhammad’s daughters and wives as his very first successor, A’ishah. This woman played an important role especially during the conflict which opposed the fourth successors, Ali. He is also an important figure stated in Islamic history. This figure is well-known among people in Shiite sect. These historical and cultural allusions can give unclear statement to the language. They need to be clarified in the translation work so the readers will not misunderstand. Minimize the usage of footnotes since they can be quite intrusive. Mostly, translators will use explanatory notes into the body of the story or the text when it is needed.

2. Financial translation

Cultural issues in translation can show up because of the different cultural references. They are including cultural connotations, names of food and festival. Usually, many translators will write language localization in order to adapt the translation correctly to the target of the culture. One of the simple examples is financial translation that needs dates. In English, 06/05/2001 will mean May 6. But maybe it will not be the same in other languages which mean June 5.

The ways to overcome cultural issues in translation are many. It depends on what kind of issues that translator finds. Reading many references as many as you can will help to find out the problem solving. Good luck!

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