Sep 20, 2017

Rules in Poetry Translation

Poetry translation will never be easy thing to do even though there will not be many words which are used in the poem. Poem has characteristic of word choice which is different from story for sure. There is kind of slimmer word choice in poem but it contains huge meaning. People cannot just translate the words because they also have to deliver the meaning of the poem to the readers. It can be challenging because people have to understand the meaning of the poem in its language first. They have to learn and learn so they can be successful when translating poetry. Learning from other translators will also help them to get better understanding about the right way for translating poetry. There are some rules which can be followed as well.

Things to Consider

Translating is something which should be learned and studied again and again. There will be long way for learning translating. Even translators who do translating jobs for year can still make mistake as well. That is why there is nothing wrong to learn about the mistake which must be avoided when doing the translating jobs including when translating poetry. It is important to understand that original word or phrase which seems striking or peculiar can be normal way for putting it. Original word or phrase which seems normal can be striking or peculiar way for putting it. Certain translators believe that bad rhyme ugliness will give bigger impact than the good rhyme beauty. Even if there is clever rhyme, it will not be useful for making up for the bad line. That is why people must be very careful when translating the poetry.


Now, it is the time for learning more about the rules which people have to follow when they want to translate poetry. First of all, they have to choose the poem which they love. It is fine to choose the poem which sounds compelling for them because it will motivate them to do the best translation. Relaxation is needed especially when they stuck in something. No matter how difficult it is, people have make assumption that there is solution for the translating. There is nothing wrong to be messy with the translation after all. Sometimes people can have difficulty with their translation. In this circumstance, they have to memorize it. People also need to get the feel for the poem and the translation must be allowed for capturing it. There is no need to be too dogmatic about the technique of poetry translation.

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Rules in Poetry Translation
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